Carolina Solite – Aquadale, NC
In the 1980’s, Carolina Solite began burning hazardous waste at its facility in Aquadale.
Stanly Countians Opposed to Toxic Chemical Hazards (SCOTCH) formed in 1989. In the early 90s, SCOTCH was a BREDL affiliate, briefly becoming a chapter in the mid-90s, before going their separate way.
In 1991, SCOTCH and the Clean Water Fund of NC filed a federal lawsuit. They reached an agreement with the company in 1993. After a brief hiatus, Carolina Solite began incinerating hazardous waste again.
In August 1993, BREDL, Anson Co. CACTUS, SCOTCH and Greenpeace held a press conference on the steps of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management in Raleigh. BREDL’s Denise Lee and Greenpeace’s Scott Brown proceeded inside where they met Mike Kelly, Deputy Director of the Division. The activists gave out three huge pink slips to Bill Myer, Director of Solid and Hazardous Waste Mgt, Mike Kelly and Jill Burton. They were symbolically "fired" because of job performance regarding the Carolina Solite cement plant in Aquadale, NC, with an arsenic concentration 2 to 6 times greater than the statewide average. (More about this can be found in a previous BREDL Moment)
In June 2000, following a meeting involving concerned citizen groups and NC agencies, Carolina Solite – Aquadale agreed to stop burning hazardous waste. Signed agreement on June 2, 2000.