
Yucca Mountain

Factsheet: Nuclear Waste Transport to Nevada?

March 24, 2004: Factsheet: Nuclear Waste transport to Nevada? - Don't Bet the Farm on it

Sample HLNW Ordinance

July 2, 2002: Sample HLNW Ordinance to prohibit transportation in your community | Letter to Florida Governor regarding Yucca Mountain | Please join the Powerless Hour - begins July 7!

BREDL Launches Campaign Opposing Nuclear Waste Transports

May 30, 2002: On Thursday, May 30th the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League will launch its regional campaign opposing nuclear waste transports from nuclear power plants in North Carolina and South Carolina to Nevada. See Press Release and Press Advisory for details and locations - updated throughout the Roadshow | Please see the BREDL Southeastern HLNW Roadshow page for pictures, reports, letters, and links.

High-level Nuclear Waste Transport Fact Sheets

April 24, 2002: High-level Nuclear Waste Transport Fact Sheets for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia , Tennessee, and Virginia.

BREDL comments on the Supplement to DEIS

June 25, 2001: BREDL comments on the Supplement to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Geologic Repository for the Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste at Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada

Map of transport routes

Map of transport routes analyzed for shipments toYucca Mountain through North Carolina and South Carolina.

Stop the Yucca Mountain Dump!

Action Alert: Stop the Yucca Mountain Dump! Comments to Dept. of Energy Needed. The DOE deadline for public comment on its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the proposed Yucca Mountain dump is fast approaching. Public comments need to be in to DOE by February 9th, 2000.

NIRS Report on Yucca Mountain

Jan 20, 2000 - Yucca Mountain Is Not A Dry, Uninhabited Wasteland After All, a report by Kevin Kamps, NIRS


YUCCA MOUNTAIN WILL FAIL TO ISOLATE WASTE - DOE's own data shows that the Yucca Mountain site will fail to contain nuclear waste.


TRANSPORT OF IRRADIATED NUCLEAR FUEL - Specific concerns and information about the routes near you.