
BE SAFE Anti-Nuclear Days of Action

These pictures were taken on March 25, 2004 at rallies in Louisa County and Charlottesville, Virginia which were held in support of the BE SAFE Anti-nuclear Days of Action. PACE, People's Alliance for Clean Energy, organized the events with help from the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown and to prevent new nuclear plants from being constructed by Dominion Virginia Power on Lake Anna.

Photos by BREDL's Lou Zeller and Mark Barker.

Anne Rabe, Director of the national BE SAFE Campaign at Charlottesville Rally

Bri Boylan at the Louisa County Rally (l)
Brian Buckley at the Louisa County Rally (r)

Cath at the Louisa County Rally (l)
Group shot at Louisa County Rally (r)

Lois Gibbs, Executive Director of The Center for Health, Environment, and Justice. Keynote Speaker at Charlottesville Rally

Lois Gibbs (l)
Janet Zeller, Executive Director of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League (c & r)
Charlottesville Rally

Janet Zeller (l & c)
Lou Zeller, BREDL (r)
Charlottesville Rally

Jennifer Conner, of People's Alliance for Clean Energy at Charlottesville Rally

Jerry Rosenthal, of People's Alliance for Clean Energy at Charlottesville Rally (l) & Louisa County Rally (r)

Brendan Hoffman of Public Citizen speaks out at Charlottesville Rally

WINA radio reporter interviews Lois Gibbs at Charlottesville Rally (l)
WVIR TV photographer frames up Janet Zeller at Charlottesville Rally (r)

Mock Nuclear Waste Cask and banners at Charlottesville Rally