Tennessee Valley Authority Roane County, TN |
On April 13, 2017, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission published in the Federal Register (82 FR 17885) its intent to prepare an EIS for the Tennessee Valley Authority’s early site permit for the Clinch River Nuclear Site, located in Roane County, Tennessee, about 25 miles from Knoxville. TVA’s request identified the Clinch River site as suitable for two or more so-called small modular reactors, experimental nuclear power plants which range from 50 megawatts to 300 megawatts, about one-third the power of conventional nuclear power plants. |
Mar. 19, 2021: Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League is in opposition to Tennessee Valley Authority going through with the construction, operation, and decommissioning of an advanced nuclear reactor technology park at the Clinch River Nuclear (CRN) Site in Oak Ridge, Roane County, Tennessee for the following reasons: A variety of negative environmental and human health impacts, there are no efficient and practical solutions for nuclear waste, small modular reactors and microreactors are not the future or cost effective, nuclear energy is a struggling industry, and energy demands are decreasing. |
June 5, 2018: Tennessee Valley Authority failed to justify need for a so-called small modular nuclear plant at Clinch River. Without a thoroughgoing assessment of need, the no-action alternative analysis is reduced to pablum. Failure to correct this omission and subsequent approval of the permit by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission would present a needless—even thoughtless—risk to the public.
June 27, 2017: “First-of-a-kind” means that such a nuclear power device has never been built before; it is an experimental design, untested. This alone should close the deregulatory discussion of having emergency planning zones which do not extend outside the plant fence line.
June 13, 2017: Reduce global warming? Improve energy security? Neither of these goals is advanced by the siting of modular nukes at the Clinch River Nuclear Site.
May 15, 2017: Tennessee Valley Authority seeks to justify its plans for Clinch River on better energy security and reduced global warming. But its plan for small modular nuclear power plants satisfies neither of these goals; in fact, it takes the nation in the opposite direction.