In 1980, The United States Congress passed the Low Level Radioactive Waste Policy Act, stating that all states are responsible for LLRW generated within its borders. It further stated that states could enter compacts with neighboring states.
A panel representing eight Southeastern states (the Southeast Compact) voted on September 11, 1986 to designate North Carolina as the repository for all of the region's low-level radioactive waste.
On February 21, 1990 in a televised meeting on the North Carolina Public Television Network, the sites were narrowed down to two: Richmond County near Hamlet and Wake County near Apex.
On December 8, 1993, the North Carolina Management Authority selected the site in Wake County as the location for the eight-state low-level radioactive waste dump, to open by January, 1996.
On July 20, 1999 North Carolina officially withdrew from the seven-state Southeast Interstate Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Compact.