March 8, 2002: The Blue
Ridge Environmental Defense League
Bethel-Cullasaja community health survey report.
The Bethel-Cullasaja community is the site of an
asphalt plant permitted to produce 180 tons/hour
and 100,000 tons/year of paving asphalt.
Jan. 15, 2001 - Asphalt Plant
Campaign Report: This report gives an update
on BREDL's campaign to reduce toxic pollution
from asphalt plants in western North Carolina. It
includes information about six communities which
oppose existing or proposed asphalt plants.
(including asphalt plants in Pineola
, Boone
, Jefferson
, Cullasaja
, White
Oak Creek )
Alert: Public Hearing on Rhodes Brothers
Asphalt Plant permit. May 30, 2000 at 6:30 PM at
Franklin High School in Franklin, NC. UPDATE: On August 8, 2000, the
North Carolina Division of Air Quality issued a
new air permit for the Rhodes Brothers asphalt
plant in Macon County.
May 18, 2000 - BREDL/NACAP
Press Release regarding air permit At a press
conference in Franklin, the Blue Ridge
Environmental Defense League and Neighbors
Against the Cullasaja Asphalt Plant released a
detailed analysis of the pollution which would be
allowed if the state approves a permit for the
Rhodes Brothers asphalt plant.
March 9, 2000 - Neighbors
Against the Cullasaja Asphalt Plant (NACAP)
reports an Asphalt Plant was stopped in Franklin
NC. The Environmental Management Commission
voted to deny the air quality permit to Rhodes
Brothers Paving Company in the floodplain of the
Cullasaja River (Macon County).
May 18, 2000: Rhodes Brothers Paving
100,000 ton/year asphalt plant in
operation on the Cullasaja River near
Franklin, NC. |