DEIS fails to address Roanoke's Air Quality
Report compiled for Virginians for Appropriate
a chapter of the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense
This report is comprised of BREDL and VAR's
on the Air Quality issue for the I-73 DEIS
submitted by:
Mark E. Barker
BREDL Virginia Vice-President
January 11, 2001
CO, NOx and
Particulate Matter
Health Impacts
Class 1 Federal
Areas Acid Deposition
Impacts TSM/No-Build
Alternatives Summary
Despite overwhelming evidence, VDOT fails to
acknowledge in the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement for I-73 that the Roanoke area (I-73
Study Area) has an air quality problem,
especially ground-level ozone. Instead, VDOT
chooses to hide behind a timing
As VDOT hurriedly pushes through the NEPA
process, the departments I-73 timeline has
the Commonwealth Transportation Board selecting
an alternative either prior or close to the time
when EPA will be allowed to finalize the 8-hour
ozone nonattainment designations. In the DEIS
(page 3.3-3), VDOT says, If the Roanoke
area is designated (ozone) nonattainment prior to
the completion of the I-73 Location Study, then
the issue will be addressed in the final
EIS. That is an issue that should have been
addressed in the DEIS.
An alternative for I-73 should not be selected
until EPA finalizes the designations for ozone
nonattainment areas and conformity requirements
are outlined. This issue is so important and the
DEIS is so inadequate that either a new DEIS or a
Supplemental DEIS is requested for Air Quality. A
Supplemental DEIS should include the NOx, VOC,
ozone, and particulate matter emissions for each
alternative and potential primary, secondary, and
cumulative environmental, health and economic
impacts to the Roanoke region.
The DEIS is both inadequate and misleading on
mesoscale and microscale air quality issues.
National Ambient Air Quality Standards criteria
pollutants such as NOx , CO, Ozone and
particulate matter will increase with the
construction of a new interstate in the Roanoke
Valley. The health impacts from Hazardous Air
Pollutants/Mobile Source Air Toxics such as
benzene, formaldehyde, and 1,3-butadiene and
other pollutants need to be fully addressed.
VDOT needs to address these issues to reflect the
new emphasis of the Federal Highway
Administration and to meet NEPA requirements. In
an April 1992 FHWA Position Paper titled
"Secondary andCumulative Impact Assessment
in the Highway Project Development Process",
the leadhighway agency acknowledges that past
actions have not addressed secondary and
cumulative impacts. In the paper the FHWA
goes on to say,
Regardless of this history,
secondary and cumulative impacts will
become important issues which will temper
decisions made by FHWA and the State
Highway Agencies (SHAS) on project scope,
location, and mitigation. To fulfill the
general NEPA mandate of environmentally
sensitive decisionmaking the FHWA and the
States must develop and use techniques to
incorporate secondary and cumulative
impact issues in the highway project
development process. The techniques must
ensure that social, economic and
environmental impacts are analyzed in
both the present and future context. The
SHAs and FHWA must establish a way to
make one public interest decision with
the assurance that all relevant impact
issues were studied. We cannot assume
necessarily that impacts which are
difficult to recognize and evaluate have
no bearing on our decisions. Since we are
making decisions that shape the future,
we must consider the ramifications of
those determinations beyond their
immediate effects on the existing
According to the Environmental Protection Agency,
highway vehicles contribute approximately one
third of the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions
released to the atmosphere in the United States
annually. Nitrogen oxides and volatile organic
compounds - hydrocarbons - combine in the
presence of sunlight to form ground-level ozone,
or smog, which irritates the eyes, damages the
lungs, and aggravates respiratory problems.
1996 emissions (tons)
Source |
CO |
NOx |
Mobile |
sources: Environmental Defense/EPA
On the I-73
project, VDOT and the Commonwealth of Virginia
are trying to skirt around the
requirements of the Clean Air Act and TEA 21. The
DEIS has not properly studied the bad
air quality of the Roanoke area, especially in
relation to meeting the attainment requirements
for ozone under the Clean Air Act. The DEIS (p.
S-10) states, The study is located in an
area designated as attainment for carbon monoxide
and ozone; therefore it is not subject to
the conformity requirements of the Clean Air
VDOT then acknowledges (DEIS p. 3.3-3) that
Based on existing monitoring data, it
appears that the City of Roanoke and a portion of
the surrounding area exceed the new
standard and will be designated
VDOT also mentions (DEIS p. 3.3-3) , in reference
to the EPA new 8-hour standard for
ozone, ...the timely implementation of the
new standard has been tied up by legal
challenge. VDOT further explains that
if the Roanoke area is designated
prior to the completion of the I-73 Location
Study, then the issue will be addressed in the
final EIS. VDOT also says this designation
may not happen until mid-2001. Although the
courts had allowed EPA to continue with their
designations, Congress attached a rider to the
FY 2001 Appropriations Bill which directed EPA to
hold off finalizing nonattainment areas
until either the U.S. Supreme Court issues a
decision or June 15, 2001 first. As VDOT rushes
to have the Commonwealth Transportation Board
issue an alternative decision by the Summer of
2001, one has to wonder if the timely
tie-up on the 8-hour standard has been calculated
into VDOTs study process.
In a June 29, 2000 letter (Appendix 1) to
EPA Region III Administrator Bradley M.
Campbell, Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources
John Paul Woodley, Jr. reluctantly
submitted Virginias recommendations for
designations of nonattainment ozone areas under
the current EPA 8-hour standard. This standard is
currently being challenged in the U.S.
Supreme Court. The Roanoke area is included,
under the current 8-hour standard, as a
nonattainment area. The Roanoke nonattainment
area consists of Botetourt County,
Roanoke County, City of Roanoke, City of Salem,
and Town of Vinton. All areas will be
affected by a new terrain interstate, I-73 build
Secretary Woodley wrote, When the TEA 21
bill was passed requiring EPA to make
designations by July of 2000, no one anticipated
the lengthy litigation over the new 8-hour
standard. Making such designations
now ... just adds to the confusion, he
The EPA was encouraged to hold any action on the
nonattainment areas by Secretary
Woodley who said holding all actions
involving the 8-hour standard in abeyance until
ruling is made is the prudent thing to do.
The lawsuit now before the U.S. Supreme Court is
challenging procedural matters and is not
challenging technical merits. The technical
information is sound. In fact, the state of North
Carolina has adopted identical 8 hour standards
into their state plan. Pending the Courts
decision, EPA may not be able to finalize the
Roanoke ozone nonattainment designation
until the Spring or Summer of 2001. Once this EPA
designation has been made, Virginia
will have to address the Roanoke ozone
nonattainment issue.
We respectfully request VDOT to postpone choosing
an alternative for I-73 until EPA makes its final
designations for ozone nonattainment areas.
Its the prudent thing to do. VDOT should
not circumvent their legal requirements by
rushing to make a decision. The Virginia
Secretary of Natural Resources in his June 29,
2000 letter to EPA asked EPA to postpone its
final designations for ozone nonattainment areas
until after the Supreme Court ruling on the
8-hour standard. The Secretary didn't want to add
"confusion" to the process. Adding
"confusion" to the process is exactly
what VDOT is doing by not waiting for the Supreme
Court ruling and EPA final designations.
In the DEIS, there are only five sites listed for
DEQ monitoring in the Roanoke Valley. Of
these five sites, data is only listed for one or
two sites for each Criteria Pollutant. The data
that is presented represents the current levels.
Except for the CO estimates (DEIS 4.3-1),
there is no estimate of anticipated levels of air
pollutants from the various I-73 alternatives.
It is also noteworthy that the 8-hour ozone
standard was left out of the air quality grid and
out of the DEIS Air Quality sections (DEIS 3.3
and 4.3).
The current EPA 8-hour standard is 85 parts per
billion (ppb). Pending final designation
from the EPA, Roanoke has been recommended as an
ozone nonattainment area based on
this official data. During the Summer of 2000,
despite a wetter, cooler summer, Roanoke
still experienced two days when the 8 Hour peak
exceeded the 85 ppb standard. (Appendices
2A & 2B).
highest 8-hour ozone average (1997 - Oct. 31,
Year |
8-Hr.Ozone |
1997 |
84 ppb |
1998 |
99 ppb |
1999 |
89 ppb |
3 year ave. |
90 ppb |
source Virginia DEQ
In the DEIS VDOT states (DEIS
2.1, p. 56), "The new interstate in the
study area would
ultimately connect with other segments of I-73
alignments in West Virginia and North
Carolina." Also in the DEIS (DEIS 1.1, p.40)
VDOT says, "West Virginia has completed a
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) to
upgrade existing U.S. Route 52 as their I-73
project. Due to the extreme terrain and capital
costs, West Virginia has elected not to build
to Interstate standards. This condition is true
for much of the interstate system in West
Virginia where design exceptions occur to
accommodate mountainous conditions."
VDOT needs to examine the cumulative impacts from
the congestion that will happen at the
Virginia-West Virginia border and points west. If
huge volumes of traffic are funneled onto
the two-lane system thorough West Virginia, this
could actually compound the air pollution which
will descend on the Roanoke Valley.
Encouraging more traffic into Roanoke is not the
sensible thing to do. VDOT has discussed
this issue with the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany
Regional Commission (RVARC) (DEIS
3.3-3), but no additional information was
provided in the DEIS. A RVARC Roanoke report
on air quality states, Another primary
factor is the actual level of ozone in the
Valley region. The monitor that records ozone
levels for this region has shown readings in
excess of the new eight-hour standard for the
past three years. According to the Department
of Environmental Quality, much of this ozone can
be attributed to local sources such as
vehicle travel and industry.
The report mentions that when the EPA
designations are final, . . localities in the
designated regions will be required to analyze
road-building projects to ensure that they
conform with ozone reduction requirements, and
facilities that are new sources of air
emissions will have to obtain emission
"offsets" so that overall emissions in
the area do not
The conformity requirements should have been
openly presented and discussed in the DEIS.
We argue that the Roanoke area is, in essence, a
de facto ozone nonattainment area. As we
await the Supreme Court ruling or the June 15,
2001 EPA deadline established by Congress,
the Roanoke area is in a virtual conformity lapse
without a proper local Transportation
Improvement Program or State Implementation Plan.
Both the Roanoke Valley Area TIP
and the SIP will need to be updated to reflect
the newly designated Roanoke MSA ozone
nonattainment area.
The I-73 project will either contribute to a new
violation, if the current 8-hour ozone
designations become finalized, or will likely
cause a new violation of the current 1-hour ozone
standard or new 8-hour ozone standard that is
reached. The definition of Cause or
contribute to a new violation from
40CFRPart93 - 93.101 states: Cause or
contribute to a new violation for a project
means: (1) To cause or contribute to a new
violation of a standard in the area substantially
affected by the project or over a region which
would otherwise not be in violation of the
standard during the future period in question, if
the project were not implemented; or (2) To
contribute to a new violation in a manner that
would increase the frequency or severity of a new
violation of a
standard in such area.
An excerpt from Linking Transportation and
Air Quality Planning, a Harvard University
March 1999 report to EPA and FHWA. (Chapter 2, p.
14 & 17)(Publication Number:
EPA420-R-99-011) says:
First and foremost, the conformity
process is intended to ensure that a
nonattainment (or maintenance) area will
keep transportation-related emissions
within the bounds needed to bring the
state into compliance with (or maintain)
the national ambient air quality
standards and thus to advance the
public health goals of the Clean Air Act.
Conformity requires forecasting regional
and (for certain pollutants) localized
emissions from transportation. These
projections, in turn, are used to
determine whether expected future
pollution levels jeopardize the timely
achievement of the federal standards.
Thus, (according to the Clean Air Act, as
amended) a conforming transportation
project, program, or plan is one that:
- does not cause or contribute to any new
air quality violation,
- does not increase the frequency or
severity of any existing air quality
violation, and
- does not delay timely attainment of air
quality standards or interim emission
reduction milestones.
We applaud VDOT for initiating discussion with
the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional
Commission on the conformity requirements.
However, we are disappointed that VDOT
failed to openly discuss these requirements in
the I-73 DEIS.
Eventually, VDOT will be forced to address the
conformity issue. According to a June 18,
1999 FHWA memorandum Additional
Supplemental Guidance for the Implementation of
the Circuit Court Decision Affecting
Transportation Conformity,
...projects that had
previously been found to conform and had
completed the . . . (NEPA) process (grandfathered
projects) may not be advanced (that is, such
projects should not be approved) in
nonattainment and maintenance areas which do not
have a currently conforming plan and
transportation improvement program (TIP). Thus,
in such areas, you should not make any
approvals or grants for further development of
projects (i.e., completion of NEPA process,
final design, right-of-way acquisition, or
Therefore, we believe that the FHWA should not
complete the NEPA process until EPA is
allowed to finalize its ozone nonattainment areas
for the 8-hour standard, Virginia updates its
SIP, and the Roanoke MPO updates its TIP to
reflect conformity requirements for the I-73
project. We argue that conformity must be
determined: 1) Prior to approval of new
transportation plans/TIPs or plan/TIP amendments,
and 2) Prior to Federal approval or
funding of projects.
In a FHWA 1992 position paper the agency says,
Under the CEQ regulations, the FHWA must
consider the possibility of secondary and
cumulative impacts on all agency actions. . .
Secondary and cumulative impact analyses should
be based on the possibility of indirect effects
with various site specific conditions which will
shape the scope and intensity of the studies
necessary to provide adequate information to the
project decisionmakers.
The FHWA adds by saying, ...in situations
where the potential for indirect impacts exists,
the likely consequences beyond direct project
impacts should be determined with the greatest
amount of confidence possible.
Therefore, under NEPA and the Clean Air Act as
amended and the conformity rule VDOT
needs to complete a regional emission analysis
for ozone, NOx, VOC and particulate matter
to assess the adverse environmental and public
health impacts from all the proposed
alternatives. This analysis and a mention of the
possible conformity requirements should be
made available to the public in a SDEIS. The
decision-makers and the public should have
this information available to make intelligent ,
informed decisions on the I-73 alternatives.
We further request that the EPA require the FHWA
to submit a regional emission analysis for
ozone, NOx, VOC and particulate matter to address
conformity requirements for the entire
FHWA I-73/74 project from Charleston, South
Carolina to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
Special emphasis should be placed on
nonattainment areas throughout this region of the
United States. The cumulative impacts from the
entire I-73/74 project needs to be addressed.
emissions of CO, NOx, and Particulate Matter
VDOT also misleads the public in their claim that
The Build Alternative would generally
enhance air quality by reducing contaminant
levels in the region by diverting traffic from
other study area roadways and by increasing the
average travel speed (DEIS page 4.3-3).
In this assertion, VDOT appears to be addressing
the Carbon Monoxide pollutant
exclusively. VDOTs claim that redirecting
traffic from existing roads onto I-73 will
enhance air quality is unsupported. Studies and
air pollution mitigating plans show that
increasing travel speeds above certain limits
also increases certain contaminants.
Constructing a new terrain interstate highway
will induce more traffic and additional
congestion into the Roanoke area. Its like
flies, throw a dead carcass on the ground and
eventually it will be covered with flies. Any of
the proposed build options for I-73 in the
vicinity of Roanoke will worsen Roanoke's air
quality by funneling more vehicular emitted
pollutants into the region. It is ridiculous to
claim that building a new highway would
generally improve air quality in the region.
On pages 51, 66, and 257 of the DEIS, VDOT lists
the Daily Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)
projections for 2020 for the I-73 study area. The
build alternatives will increase the VMT by
28.51 percent - 57.92 percent, whereas under the
no-build and TSM options the VMT will only
increase by 15.16 percent. This tremendous
increase in daily VMT for the build options will
drastically increase toxic emissions for the I-73
Study area.
DAILY VMT (millions)
Current |
No-Build/TSM |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
4.42 |
5.09 |
6.56 |
5.68 |
5.84 |
6.98 |
Increase |
- |
15.16 % |
48.42 % |
28.51 % |
32.13 % |
57.92 % |
As for VDOTs
claims that air quality will improve because of
the increased travel speed, a
study titled Analysis of the Effects of
Eliminating the National Speed Limit on NOx
Emissions (E.H. Pechan and Associates)
shows that increases in traffic speed above 48
are associated with increases in emissions of CO,
NOx , and possibly particulate matter.
This study uses the same model base that VDOT
used for their CO emission calculations.
The EPA-commissioned study addresses the impacts
of increased speeds on air pollution. (on
the internet at:
The analysis was
performed using the MOBILE5a model source
emission factor model. The Report said:
"Motor vehicle NOx emissions
result from combustion processes and tend
increase with increasing speeds above 48
miles per hour (mph) (Pechan,
"Both CO and NOx emissions result
from combustion processes. At lower
speeds, around 15 mph, motor vehicle
emissions of CO and NOx decrease with
increases in vehicle speed as a result of
more efficient combustion. However, after
48 mph, increases in vehicular speeds are
accompanied by increases in emissions of
both CO and NOx (Pechan, 1992).
Using the same reasoning, particulate
matter (PM) emissions may also increase,
according to the report.
The above findings for CO emissions should have
been utilized in the DEIS on page 4.3-3 in
the third paragraph,which describes CO emissions.
More evidence that increased speeds decreases the
air quality can be found in Texas. One of
the steps that the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission (TNRCC) has
approved to enhance air quality around
Dallas/Fort Worth includes reducing the speed
On April 19, 2000, the TNRCC approved plans
designed to bring the four-county Dallas/Fort
Worth ozone nonattainment area into compliance
with the federal ozone standard. Among
several steps, the Commission approved the
following measure: Speed limit reductions
the nine counties, from 70 to 65 mph and 65 to 60
mph beginning in September 2001.
According to a 1996 study by the Natural
Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Roanoke
Valley ranks first in Virginia for the amount of
annual PM10 (particulate airborne matter)
concentrations, and ranked 25 out of 239 areas
nationally for PM10. The NRDC study
ranked Roanoke as 16th among the top 25
metropolitan statistical areas in the U.S. for
per 100,000 population attributable to poor air
quality. Particulate matter analysis needs to be
completed for all I-73 alternatives.
Incomplete data in the I-73 DEIS: There are
inadequacies in the Criteria Pollutant analysis
because of lack of data from the DEQ monitoring
sites in the Roanoke area. Table 3.3-2 is
full of Not Monitored as the recorded
levels. The analysis site corridor chosen for the
Microscale modeling appears to favor certain
alternatives. The Western Build Corridor was
lacking in test sites.
Motor vehicles emit several pollutants that are
known or probable human carcinogens.
Benzene is a known human carcinogen. According to
the EPA, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde,
1,3-butadiene and diesel particulate matter are
probable human carcinogens. Based on
modeling, EPA estimates that mobile (car, truck,
and bus) sources of air toxics account for as
much as half of all cancers attributed to outdoor
sources of air toxics. This modeling
estimates the maximum number of cancers that
could be expected from current levels of
exposure to mobile source emissions.
The EPA says Hazardous air pollutants can
cause many ill health effects. Many of these
substances are known or suspected to be human
carcinogens. Some of these chemicals are
known to have negative effects on people's
respiratory, neurological, immune, or
reproductive systems. Some chemicals pose
particular hazards to people with preexisting
illnesses, or those of a certain age or stage in
life, such as children or the elderly.
The EPA has compiled a list of Hazardous Air
Pollutants which make up the Mobile Source
Air Toxics. These toxics include Acetaldehyde,
Diesel Exhaust, MTBE, Acrolein,
Ethylbenzene, Naphthalene, Arsenic compounds,
Formaldehyde, Nickel compounds,
Benzene, n-Hexane, POM (Sum of 7 PAHs),
1,3-Butadiene, Lead compounds, Styrene,
Chromium compounds, Manganese compounds Toluene,
Dioxin/Furans, Mercury
compounds, and Xylene.
The EPA is proposing fuel-based controls to
reduce on-highway MSAT inventories. In
proposed rule 40 CFR Parts 80 and 86 (August 4,
2000) the EPA states, Between 1990 and
2020, these programs are expected to reduce
on-highway emissions of benzene by 75
percent, formaldehyde by 87 percent, 1,3-
butadiene by 75 percent, and acetaldehyde by 82
percent. In addition, we expect to see on-highway
diesel PM emission reductions of 94
percent...Although we anticipate substantial
reductions in emissions of key toxic pollutants
by 2020, the serious health effects associated
with many of these compounds lead us to
evaluate whether additional controls are
appropriate at this time.
The DEIS does acknowledge that benzene,
formaldehyde, and 1,3-butadiene exceed the EPA
health benchmark in the project area according to
the EPA Cumulative Exposure Project.
Inducing more vehicle emissions into the Roanoke
Valley by constructing a new interstate
I-73 will not lessen the amounts of these toxins.
In 1999, the Roanoke Times did a computer
analysis using federal data which showed that
thousands of people in the Roanoke and New River
valleys are at risk of getting cancer from
breathing these chemicals.
In an August 15, 1999 Roanoke Times article the
paper said, The analysis, based on the
Environmental Protection Agency's computer
modeling data of hazardous air pollutants,
shows that 13 toxic chemicals in the air above
Roanoke exceed the health benchmark for
The report also said: The
concentrations are highest in the
northeast and southeast parts of Roanoke,
Vinton and west Salem and west and
southwest Roanoke County. These areas
have heavy traffic, gas stations, body
shops and other industries that
contribute to air pollution. In the New
River, concentrations were highest around
Though these neighborhoods have the
highest concentrations of the three
toxins, every part of the Roanoke and the
New River Valleys exceeded the cancer
In some places, the concentration of
chemicals was more than 10 times higher
than the health benchmark.
In Roanoke, the air with the highest
chemical concentrations was in the U.S.
eastern corridor, with three chemicals
more than 10 times higher than the health
benchmark. The leading chemical was
1,3-butadiene, which was more than 19
times higher than the health benchmark.
In Roanoke County, nine areas had
chemical concentrations that were more
than 10 times higher than the health
benchmark. The concentration for
1,3-butadiene was more than 60 times
higher in one area.
Along U.S. 460 in the southern part of
Blacksburg, concentrations of benzene
were 31 times the health benchmark. 1,3-
butadiene was more than 100 times higher.
The risks are highest in urban areas and
decline with distance from those areas.
The secondary impacts from ozone damage to crops,
forests, and agricultural lands should be
considered. As reported in the 1996 Southern
Appalachian Assessment (online at:
Ozone is potentially the most
significant pollutant affecting forests in North
America. Key findings from the SAA
indicate that 1)current ozone exposures are
causing visible symptoms on the foliage of
sensitive species in numerous locations
throughout the Southern Appalachians and 2)
ozone exposures, when soil moisture is
adequate, may be sufficient to cause growth
to the most sensitive species in the Southern
Appalachians....4) between 1983 -
conditions in the northern and southern portions
of the Southern Appalachians were most
conducive to growth reductions from ozone
exposures. The Virginia I-73 Study corridor
falls within the northern portion of the SAA.
The SAA used the W126 statistic, a mathematical
index, to calculate data from EPAs
Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS)
database and from the National Dry
Deposition Network programs. Each hourly average
ozone concentration is recorded, then all
of the W126 values are added together during the
growing season.
The I-73 Study corridor through Virginia falls
within the highest estimated W126 index
areas. In the SAA results using 1988 data, the
W126 index for the I-73 study area estimates
ozone levels to be greater than 66.5 parts per
million hours. The ranges consisted of: no
estimate, < 5.9 ppm hours, 5.9 - 23.7 ppm
hours, 23.8 - 66.5 ppm hours, and > 66.5 ppm
The 1988 data results after combining the W126
and number of hours with ozone
concentrations greater than or equal to 0.10 ppm
placed the I-73 Study corridor area in Level
2 for ozone exposure levels associated with
forest tree response. Levels included Minimal,
Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3, with Level 3 having
the most severe impact on trees.
The VDOT air quality analysis failed to address
the loss of trees and that loss's impact on air
pollution, citizens' health, and local climate.
These impacts need to be studied.
In a 1992 FHWA position paper the FHWA says,
An important consideration is an estimate
of the potential for development in the area of a
proposed project within a reasonable period of
time. The estimate should recognize the potential
both with and without the project . . . in
areas of moderate to rapid development, the
contributions of a highway improvement can be
a measurable element of the aggregated change
leading to long-term impacts.
On page 124 of the DEIS, VDOT states that the
project area consists of 310,951 acres of
forestland. Then on page 298, Table 4.2-1, VDOT
outlines the acreage impacts to the forests.
The Roanoke area stands to lose a significant
amount of tree canopy from each of the build
alternatives. The table below reflects loss of
forestland from the highway itself. It does not
include the resulting sprawl.
Percentage of loss of
forestland for each alternative
1A |
2 |
2A |
2B |
2C |
3 |
3A |
3B |
3C |
4 |
No-Build |
NA |
1.41 |
1.39 |
1.09 |
1.03 |
1.02 |
1.04 |
0.66 |
0.72 |
0.69 |
0.65 |
1.10 |
0 |
On page 144 of the
DEIS, VDOT lists timber prices as the only
possible economic impact
from loss of forestland. An economic analysis
based on citizens health and air/water
pollution-fighting capabilities of forestlands
needs to be assessed.
In July 1999, the non-profit group American
Forests completed an Urban Ecosystem
Analysis for the Roanoke area. (online at:
_cities_sprawl/urban_analysis/roanoke.html) This
included Roanoke County and portions of
Bedford, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin and
Montgomery counties. Using GIS mapping, satellite
images from 1973 - 1997, and local on-site
visits, an analysis on loss of tree canopy and
associated values of that loss was completed.
Major findings from the study:
- Average tree cover declined from 40% to
35% in the Roanoke area.
- Natural tree cover (areas with at least
50% tree cover) declined from 41% to 32%
of the total area.
- Heavily developed areas (with less than
20% tree cover) increased from 53% to
64% of the total area.
- Tree loss resulted in a 17% increase in
stormwater runoff (515 million cubic
feet) at a cost of $419 million.
- Total stormwater retention capacity of
the urban forest in 1997 was worth $2
- The lost trees each year would have
removed 2.93 million pounds of air
pollution at a value of $8.2 million.
In 1997, the existing tree canopy removed 14.5
million pounds of pollutants, valued at $40.5
million. In 1973, the canopy removed 17.4 million
pounds of pollutants, valued at $48.7
million. The report states, When urban
trees are large and healthy, the ecological
that supports them is also healthy. Healthy trees
require healthy soils, adequate water, and
clean air.
Recommendations from the American
Forests study include:
- Consider the financial value of natural
resources in the decision-making process
- Increase and conserve the tree canopy
cover. Roanoke should strive to reach 40
percent cover
- conduct analyses every five years to
track future trends in forest canopy and
associated benefits
In addition, according to the EPA,
Virginias farmers lost between $12 million
and $20
million in 1997 from reduced crop yields due to
ozone damage.
VDOT failed to address the
geography/topography/meteorology factor. The
Roanoke Valley,
home to Roanoke City and surrounding suburbs,
forms a bowl, which tends to trap air
pollution. The topography of the Roanoke area and
its relation with air quality needs to be
addressed in the DEIS, especially with regards to
temperature inversions and air stagnation.
According to the Southern Appalachian Mountains
Initiative (SAMI), the southeastern
United States has more frequent episodes of air
stagnation than most other areas of the
country. During these periods, pollutants can
remain over the mountains for several days at a
time. The naturally high humidity of the area
magnifies the haze generated by airborne
A 1999 National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration report (online at:
titled Air Stagnation Climatology for the
United States (1948-1998) states, It has
been observed that major air pollution episodes
usually related to the presence of stagnating
anticyclones. Such anticyclones may linger over
an area for a protracted period (4 days or more).
During this period, surface wind speeds can
fall to very low values. The near surface
circulation is therefore insufficient to disperse
accumulated pollutants, thereby causing
distressful and possible hazardous conditions for
inhabitants of the area.
In an annual mean sense, air stagnation events
are most prevalent in the southern states. The
trend in air stagnation days shows the Roanoke
area is one of the SE regions which shows a
positive trend or increase in stagnation days.
From 1989 - 1998 (May-Oct.), in the Roanoke
area, there were 23 cases of air stagnation days.
* air stagnation case of 4 or
more days occurred
Year |
May |
June |
July |
Aug |
Sept |
Oct |
1998 |
* |
* |
1997 |
* |
* |
* |
1996 |
* |
1995 |
* |
* |
* |
1994 |
* |
1993 |
* |
* |
* |
1992 |
* |
* |
* |
1991 |
* |
* |
* |
* |
1990 |
* |
* |
1989 |
* |
source: (table compiled from NOAA maps/data)
A bowl
effect in the Roanoke area will worsen the
impacts of a new terrain I-73, a new
source of air pollution. Specifically, the NOx ,
CO, and other HAPs emissions for the entire
Roanoke area will increase. All of the Build
options traverse the proposed Roanoke ozone
nonattainment area.
VDOT glossed over the health impacts for the
alternatives. VDOT briefly mentions the EPA
Cumulative Exposure Project (DEIS 3.3-4), but
fails to address the issue. Direct impacts to
residents with respiratory problems should be
addressed. Many of the pollutants from
automobile emissions can aggravate existing
conditions. At the very least, a simple
coordinated effort with Roanoke area health
officials could pinpoint areas within the I-73
Study area where there are high occurrences of
respiratory illnesses.
In an American Lung Association report titled
State of the Air 2000, the Roanoke
County area was given a grade of F
for its poor air quality and impacts on
residents. The
grade was based on the frequency of exceedences
in the EPA Air Quality Index. This report,
and the analysis that underlies it, confirms what
most citizens already know: air pollution
remains a major threat to Americans, contributing
substantially to the nations ill health
burden., the report stated.
Groups impacted by Air Quality
County |
Population |
14 |
65 |
Asthma |
Asthma |
Bronchitits |
Emphysema |
Henry |
56,078 |
10,399 |
7,846 |
789 |
2,260 |
3,033 |
458 |
Roanoke |
81,480 |
14,568 |
11,210 |
1,120 |
3,310 |
4,398 |
659 |
source: American Lung Association
A recently
released University of Southern California Study
shows that air
pollution from the burning of fossil fuels slows
lung function growth as children grow up. An
excerpt from the study groups press release
Common air pollutants
slow children's lung development over
time, according to
results from the University of Southern
California-led Children's Health Study.
10-year-long study is considered one of
the nation's most comprehensive studies
to date of the long-term effects of smog
on children.
"This is the best evidence yet of a
chronic effect of air pollution in
children," says
John Peters, M.D., D.Sc., USC professor
of preventive medicine and one of the
study authors. "Long -term exposure
to air pollution has long-term effects on
childrens lungs, and the effects
are more pronounced in areas of higher
air pollution."
... the offenders were nitrogen
dioxide, microscopic particles known as
particulate matter, and acid vapors. All
come directly or indirectly from the
burning of fossil fuels (the exhaust from
a car or truck, for example), as well as
from emissions from industrial plants and
other sources...Although polluted air has
long been known to cause immediate
uncomfortable symptoms such as eye
irritation, coughing and chest tightness,
long-term or chronic effects have been
less clear. In the current research,
though, scientists have begun to
demonstrate effects over time.
VDOT should also acknowledge the possibility that
cancer rates could increase in the I-73
Study area alternatives.
In a Saturday, March 4, 2000 ENN story titled Mean streets: heavy
leukemia linked, ENNs Lucy Chubb
reports on a study that was published in the
2000 issue of the Air and Waste Management
Association journal.
Children who live near
heavily traveled roads and highways are
at greater risk of developing cancer,
including leukemia, according to a study
conducted in Denver,
"What we are seeing is that children
who live near high-traffic streets have
increased risk for childhood
cancer," said co-author Robert
Pearson, an adjunct
professor of urban planning at the
University of Colorado.
The researchers conclude that children
living near transportation corridors
20,000 or more vehicles per day are about
six times as likely to contract cancer,
including leukemia. The children are
exposed to emissions through breathing
exposure to soil containing emissions.
The idea that vehicle emissions are to
blame has "biological
plausibility," Pearson
said. |
VDOT failed to address the potential reductions
in visibility in the Roanoke area because of
increased air pollution from a new terrain
interstate highway.
I federal areas
Any of the build alternatives would potentially
impact the visibility of the James River Face
Wilderness Class 1 area, a federally protected
area. This Class I area is located
approximately 25 miles from the nearest I-73
build option and approximately 48 miles from
the furthest option. VOC , ozone, NOx, and
particulate matter emissions for each
alternative should be calculated and included in
a Supplemental DEIS. This procedure was
done for the Appalachian Corridor H ASDEIS. The
area was in attainment. Agencies
expressed special concerns for the air quality of
the Shenandoah National Park, the other
Class 1 area in Virginia.
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977 declared as
a national goal the prevention of any
future, and the remedying of any existing,
impairment of visibility in mandatory Class I
where impairment results from manmade air
pollution. According to the 1996 Southern
Appalachia Assessment,
are only seven Class 1 areas in the Southern
Appalachians. This includes 5 Wilderness
areas, Shenandoah National Park, and Great Smoky
Mountains National Park. Of the five
Class 1 Wildernesses listed in the SAA, the James
River Face has the poorest visibility. For
the combined years from 1987 - 1993, James River
Face had a median camera-based
standard visual range (SVR) of only 15 miles
during the Summer season and 66 miles during
the Winter season. That compares with 19 miles
SVR in the Summer and 138 miles SVR in
the Winter for the Shining Rock, NC Wilderness
area, which had the best SVR that was
listed in the SAA.
According to the Southern Appalachian Assessment
Atmospheric Technical Report, organic
particles, volatile organic compounds, elemental
carbon and nitrous oxides from
diesel-fueled mobile sources and gasoline
vehicles contribute to visibility problems in the
eastern United States. These pollutants lead to
regional haze which could impair visibility a
great distance from the source area.
contribution by diesel and gasoline-fueled mobile
sources to
pollutants which affect visibility in the eastern
U.S. - source: SAA
Pollutants |
Diesel-fueled |
Gasoline-fueled |
Organic Particles |
34 % |
31 % |
Elemental Carbon |
47 % |
29 % |
NOx |
16 % |
26 % |
A regional
emissions analysis for VOC, NOx, and ozone should
also address impacts to the
Shenandoah National Park, which has been rated as
having the second worst air quality for
National Parks.
The acidic deposition effects on streams, soils,
and vegetation from increased NOx pollution
from vehicular emissions needs to be addressed.
Potential environmental and financial
impacts from tree damage, especially the Elm
Trees in the downtown Roanoke area, crop
damage, buildings and other structural damage
needs to be assessed.
In a 1995 EPA Report titled Acid Deposition
Standard Feasibility Study, Report to
Congress, the EPA found that the eastern
portion of the U.S. is most at risk from
acid deposition. The targeted areas were the
lakes and streams of the Appalachian
The Virginia Trout Stream Sensitivity Study,
which was released in October 2000, conducted
by Trout Unlimited and analyzed by University of
Virginia scientists shows that many of
Virginias streams continue to suffer from
acid rain. It showed that the number of
chronically acid streams increased
and will continue to increase. The number of dead
streams is expected to more than double in the
next 40 years.
VDOT failed to mention the negative economic
impacts to the Roanoke Valley area in
relation to poor air quality/visibility. Economic
impacts based on diminished visibility at the
areas two main attractions, the Star on
Mill Mountain and the Blue Ridge Parkway need to
be addressed. Without clean, clear air, visitors
will have no incentive to visit these
The additional marring of the regional landscape
from a new terrain interstate highway build
alternative could have negative economic impacts
from decreased tourism.
Additional pollution could potentially have
negative economic impacts on healthcare and
personal car maintenance. Roanoke area residents
could suffer economically if health
problems increase and/or vehicle emission control
programs have to be instigated to offset
ground-level ozone.
A Cost-Benefit analysis should be completed to
study the economic impacts from all angles,
not just interchange gas station/restaurant
A primary goal of the Clean Air Act as amended in
1990 is to encourage or otherwise
promote reasonable Federal, State, and local
governmental actions, consistent with the
provisions of this Act, for pollution prevention.
(Title 1, Part A, Section 101 (c) [42 U.S.C.
7401] ) The TSM and no-build alternatives would
meet the Clean Air Act and TEA-21 goals of not
increasing emissions in nonattainment areas.
The TSM alternative and the no-build alternatives
are the only two options that would not
introduce more emissions from a new interstate
source into the greater Roanoke area. These
2 options would not have adverse environmental
impacts. The TSM and no-build alternatives
are the only sensible alternatives to avoid
future health and financial hardships on area
residents as they struggle to rein in attainment
for the Roanoke area. To choose a
build-alternative would certainly alter our
quality of life for the worse.
From a 1992 FHWA position paper, the FHWA says,
"The new emphasis on environmental issues
must include techniques that produce the best
possible public interest decisions on project
features such as, location, design and
mitigation. These decisions will represent a
balance between environmental, socioeconomic, and
engineering issues. Therefore, we must assure
full consideration of environmental concerns from
the early stages of planning and throughout
project development."
VDOT knows that Roanoke has air quality issues
that need to be addressed. The evidence is
overwhelming. However, VDOT failed to address
significant adverse impacts to the human
environment in the I-73 DEIS. VDOT needs to
acknowledge the primary, secondary and cumulative
air impacts of all the proposed I-73
alternatives. Environmental, health and economic
impacts related to the Roanoke areas air
quality need to be properly studied for all
alternatives. Once a complete, legitimate
evaluation has been done, a proper assessment of
the preferred alternative and conforming,
mitigating measures can be performed.
We respectfully request VDOT to:
1) complete a
mesoscale analysis, as was done for the
Corridor-H project in West Virginia, for the
Criteria Pollutants of ozone, nitrogen oxides
(NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOC).
Particulate matter should be studied as well.
This analysis should address the impacts to the
Roanoke MSA and the Class 1 protected areas James
River Face Wilderness and Shenandoah National
Park. This analysis should be completed for all
I-73 alternatives.
2) submit a regional emissions analysis for
ozone, NOx, VOC and particulate matter to address
conformity requirements for the entire FHWA
I-73/74 project from Charleston, South Carolina
to Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Special emphasis
should be placed on nonattainment areas
throughout this region of the United States. The
cumulative impacts from the entire I-73/74
project needs to be addressed by the FHWA.
3) acknowledge that VDOTs modeling and
claims that increased traffic speeds will
decrease air pollution, thus enhancing air
quality in the I-73 Study Area contradicts other
research using the same EPA MOBILE 5A modeling
4) complete a cost-benefit analysis which studies
I-73s environmental impacts and costs.
5) postpone choosing an alternative for I-73
until EPA makes its final designations for ozone
nonattainment areas. Its the prudent thing
to do. VDOT should not circumvent their legal
requirements by rushing to make a decision. The
Virginia Secretary of Natural Resources in his
June 29, 2000 letter to EPA asked EPA to postpone
its final designations for ozone nonattainment
areas until after the Supreme Court ruling on the
8-hour standard. The Secretary didn't want to add
"confusion" to the process. Adding
"confusion" to the process is exactly
what VDOT is doing by not waiting for the Supreme
Court ruling and EPA final designations.
6) postpone choosing a preferred I-73 alternative
until a Supplemental DEIS has been completed.
This SDEIS should properly analyze the primary,
secondary and cumulative air impacts of all the
proposed I-73 alternatives including
environmental, health and economic impacts. It
needs to include analysis of the 8-hour ozone
standard and how the I-73 alternatives will
impact the Valley residents way of life.
Conformity requirements need to be addressed.
Analysis needs to address new violations of the
current ozone standard.