III: Plutonium In Pits
Figure 3-1. Simplified illustration
of a plutonium trigger, or
"pit", with storage
"AL-R8" storage container.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
Office of Fissile Materials Disposition
Plutonium pits are finished weapon
components and comprised of numerous
parts, including metal cladding, welds, a
pit tube, neutron tamper(s), and
plutonium hemispheres (usually
hollow-cored). The sealed pit tube
carries deuterium-tritium gas into
hollow-core pits in order to boost the
nuclear explosive power of weapons.
This illustration shows stainless steel
as the outer cladding, but some pit types
are also clad with beryllium, aluminum,
and possibly vanadium; and there are
experimental designs called "not
war-reserve like" pits stored at
Rocky Flats in Colorado.
There are more than 12,000 plutonium pits
stored at the Pantex Nuclear Weapons
Plant near Amarillo, Texas - - of which
7,000 to 8,000 are "surplus"- -
and another 8-10,000 stored in nuclear
weapons, both deployed and stored.
Plutonium Pit Basics
Describing Pits, No. 1 |
"Pits can generally
be characterized as nested shells of
materials in different configurations and
constructed by different methods." Los
Alamos National Laboratory. ARIES Fact
Sheet. 1997. |
Plutonium pits are the triggers
in most nuclear explosives. Pits are sealed
weapon components containing plutonium and other
materials and came into being in 1956, replacing
the plutonium "capsule" trigger design.xli Pits are
surrounded by carefully machined high explosive
spheres. When the high explosives are detonated
the plutonium is compressed and imploded, thus
triggering the nuclear detonation (see Figure
Describing Pits, No. 2 |
Rocky Flats described pits as a
"pressure vessel designed to
withstand, without yielding, the boost
gas or other operational pressures which
vary from weapon to weapon but are in the
range of hundreds of psi." Pits are
also "designed to provide
containment of the radioactive materials
to prevent the release of contamination
or other unsafe conditions." Other
features of pits include:
· all metal construction generally using
three joint welds at the
"equator," the tube pinch-off,
and the tube to shell brazed joint;
· an absence of o-rings, seals, or other
non-metallic components which are
sensitive to either heat or cold.
Source: Safety Analysis Report for
the AL-R8 Container. Rocky Flats
Plant. 1990.
Pits were fabricated at the
Rocky Flats plant in Colorado from about 1954 to
1989, when safety and environmental problems
forced a production shutdown. Rocky Flats is
infamous for thirty five years of unsafe
operations and costly accidents resulting in
massive radiological contamination, but in the
nuclear weapons complex it is equally known for
producing high quality,
"diamond-stamped" plutonium pits
considered the most durable and resilient parts
of nuclear weapons.
There are about 48 different types of pits (see
Table 3-1), each designed for use in specific
nuclear weapon systems and to be stored for 20
years or more inside a weapon environment.
Long-term storage (more than five years) of pits
outside of weapons is a program filled with
uncertainties. Designers and weaponeers within
DOE refer to the variety of designs in terms of
"pit families,"with some more important
variations including:
· shape and mass of the plutonium within the
· the presence or absence of highly enriched
· the presence or absence of tritium;
· the type of metal cladding;
· bonded vs. nonbonded.
numbers and DOE management terminology
Normal operations coupled with START I treaty
between the U.S. and Russia turned the Pantex
nuclear weapons plant into a disassembly facility
in the 1990's (Figure 3-2). 11, 875 weapons were
dismantled, with most of the plutonium pits being
sent to "Zone 4" for
"interim" storage.xlii More than
11,000 plutonium pits accumulated at Pantex
during this time, (Figure 3-2).
About 1200 pits were shipped to Pantex between
1997 and 1999 from Rocky Flats, and another 60
pits were shipped from SRS to Pantex in 1998.
Pantex in turn shipped about 20 pits/year to Los
Alamos for its surveillance/inspection program,
and an undisclosed amount (but less than 100) to
Los Alamos for plutonium pit disassembly and
conversion demonstration program, leaving more
than 12,000 pits at Pantex today.xliii
Figure 3-2. Weapons
Dismantlement at Pantex, 1990's.
(427 dismantlements were scheduled for Year
DOE now categorizes pits as surplus to
military needs or as "national security
assets" (NSA), the latter a category
concocted in 1998 and composed of:
· strategic reserve pits, including surplus pits
considered defense program "assets;"
· "enduring stockpile" pits that
belong to existing weapon systems;
· "enhanced surveillance" pits that
may include surplus pits.xliv
National Asset pits are scheduled to be stored
indefinitely at Pantex in retrofitted Building
2-116, possibly the most robust facility at
Pantex but not one without problems. At least one
"national security asset" pit, the
problematic W-48, is not allowed in 12-116
because of heat concerns; and there is no funding
to move the national asset pits into 12-116 this
fiscal year.xlv
The list of NSA pits is not constant, and the
"design agencies"-Lawrence Livermore
and Los Alamos National Laboratories--have failed
to update their list of national security assets
since February 1999, leaving Pantex in the dark:
"an updated list has been requested by
letter, in briefings, and verbally to the person
in charge of the list. To date, an update has not
been received. This is an open issue." xlvi
The total amount of plutonium in surplus pits was
declared to be 21.3 MT in 1996. DOE maintains
this number is current, but the reclassification
of some surplus pits as "national
assets" leaves this questionable. If START
II arms reductions are implemented, another 7.0
MT of surplus plutonium in about 2,000 to 2,500
pits is likely to be declared.
Surplus pits are scheduled to remain in Zone 4 at
Pantex (see Pit Storage at Pantex, page 3. )
until they are sent to a Plutonium Pit
Disassembly and Conversion Facility (PDCF)
scheduled to open later this decade at Savannah
River Site. (SRS). Plutonium pit disassembly and
conversion refers to "the removal of the
plutonium from the nuclear weapon pit and
conversion [of the plutonium and other parts] to
an unclassified form that is verifiable in the
sense that, containing no classified information,
the form can be examined by inspectors from other
nations." xlvii Size, shape, mass and
isotopic composition of the plutonium and other
parts are considered traits in need of
declassification at the PDCF.
Table 3.1
Plutonium Pit Types in U.S. Nuclear
Weapons "Enduring Stockpile." |
Laboratory |
Warhead |
Pit Type
(# ID) xlviii xlix |
Container |
Unique Properties and/or
Safety Issues |
Los Alamos
National Laboratory B61-3,4,10
Present container unsuitable for
long-term storage. (See Pit Storage, Page
3). B61-4 also reported as Pit Type 118 |
116 |
2030 |
Most heat sensitive LANL design |
117 |
2030 |
124 |
2030 |
Responsibility being transferred to
119 |
2030 |
126 |
2030 |
Lawrence Livermore
National LaboratoryB83
MC3350 |
Heaviest Pit l,
Fire Resistant Pit |
MC2406 |
2030 |
(1) |
unknown |
Fire Resistant Pit |
MC3737 |
2040 |
Fire Resistant Pit. Unsuitable
container. |
Container refers to the
AL-R8 There are no
replacements for the 2040 at this time.
Pit type ID's were determined from 1990
Rocky Flats Safety Analysis Report for
AL-R8's and from Dow and Salazar. Re:
Storage Facility Environmental
Requirements for Pits and CSA's. August
22, 1995.
(1) One high numbered LLNL pit, the MC
3650, was reported by Rocky Flats to have
the highest heat load of any pit,
including surplus pits. This could be the
Table 3.1.B: Plutonium Pit
types from retired weapon systems. |
Design Lab |
Warhead |
Pit Type |
Container |
Unique Properties and/or Safety
Issues |
Alamos |
B28 |
83 |
2030 |
B28-0 |
93 |
2030 |
minimum decay heat load lii |
B43 |
79 |
unknown |
Beryllium cladding |
B43-1 |
101 |
2030 |
Beryllium cladding |
W33 |
unknown |
unknown |
W44 |
74 |
2030 |
Beryllium cladding |
W44-1 |
100 |
2030 |
Beryllium cladding |
W-50-1 |
103 |
2030 |
B54 |
81 |
2030 |
Pits require cleaning liii |
B54-1 |
96 |
2030 |
Pits require cleaning |
B57 |
104 |
2030 |
W59 |
90 |
unknown |
B61-0 |
110 |
2030 |
B61-2,5 |
114 |
2040 |
Unsuitable container, no replacement
yet |
W66 |
112 |
unknown |
W69 |
111 |
2030 |
W85 |
128 |
2030 |
Laboratory |
W48 |
MC1397 |
2030 |
Beryllium clad pits, require cleaning
prior to LTS
W55 |
MC1324 |
2030 |
Suspected to be beryllium clad |
W56 |
MC1801 |
2040 |
High radiation pits, require cleaning
prior to LTS |
W68 |
MC1978 |
2030 |
W70-0 |
MC2381 |
2030 |
W70-1 |
MC2381a |
2030 |
W70-2 |
MC2381b |
2040 |
Unsuitable container with no
replacement yet
W70-3 |
MC2381c |
2060 |
Suitability of container |
W71 |
Unknown |
Unknown |
Pits require cleaning |
W79 |
MC2574 |
2030 |
Suspected to be beryllium clad |
Mass, Beryllium, and HEU
Figure 3-3. Plutonium mass in
pits is reduced through the use of neutron
tampers. Source: An Introduction to Nuclear
Weapons. 1972.
The amount, or mass, of plutonium that is inside
of a pit varies and even the average amount
remains classified. But enough evidence exists to
declare a range of 1 to 6 kilograms (2.2 to 13.2
pounds) of plutonium mass in pits. Only one
kilogram of plutonium is necessary for a 1
kiloton explosion,liv and Los Alamos
defined a maximum material weight of 6 kilograms
in pit shipping Considering
there is 66.1 MT of plutonium in approximately
20,000 plutonium pits, the average plutonium
content is just over 3.0 kilograms per pit, or
6.6. pounds.
Two design variations can be used to decrease the
plutonium mass:
1. Neutron tampers (Figure 3-3) are used to
scatter escaping neutrons back into the plutonium
or HEU core after the nuclear chain reaction
One of the more common neutron tampers is
beryllium, a highly toxic light metal. Because
classified nonnuclear pit parts will be
"declassified" at a PDCF by using
furnaces to melt down the classified shapes,lvii this
operation poses extreme workplace hazards when
the tamper is high-purity beryllium (Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4. How Toxic is
According to the Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory Health and Safety
Internet Site, "some people are very
susceptible to getting Chronic Beryllium
Disease" when inhaling small amounts
of beryllium dust. Acute Beryllium
Disease can "cause toxic reaction to
the whole body " if large amounts
are inhaled.
2. The use of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU), also
known as "Oralloy, in pits creates what are
referred to as "composite
cores" and were a "major advance"
in weapons design that reduced the probability of
pre-initiation of the nuclear explosive, and
allowed for a reduction in the amount of
plutonium in the pit.lviii As
a result, "the pits in the US
stockpile can be generally grouped into two
types: (1) those containing weapons-grade
plutonium and (2) those containing weapons-grade
plutonium and highly enriched uranium."lix
The presence of HEU in pits poses
accounting, handling, and classification problems
at a PDCF.
In 1998 the ability to perform adequate materials
control and accounting measurements on incoming
pits was found to pose a technically high risk at
the planned PDCF.lx This
risk is higher with HEU pits since there are no
"proven techniques for measurement" of
this type. lxi
Having HEU parts in plutonium pits also
necessitates decontamination of the HEU to levels
that meet strict acceptance criteria at the Y-12
plant at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The Y-12 plant is
responsible for all storing all military HEU, it
is not a plutonium processing site, and
designation as such would meet stiff and
justifiable resistance from the state and local
Los Alamos encountered difficulties meeting the
previous criteria of 20 disintegrations per
minute of plutonium 239 in HEU metal, "with
30% of the shipped parts presently being
returned." However, the new limit for
plutonium contamination in HEU-oxide form has
changed to 2.7 parts-per-million, allowing
plutonium levels "several orders of
magnitude" higher than the metal standard.lxii
Because of this issue, the final form of the HEU
at a pit disassembly and conversion plant was
undecided as of a year ago. The decontamination
methods under consideration include:
· electrolytic etching, the current method at
LANL that has achieved marginal success at
meeting metal acceptance criteria at Y-12 but
generates less waste;
· Acid spray-leach; the historical process that
involves spraying parts with acid and then
soaking in a diluted acid solution for up to
three hours, producing large volumes of liquid
waste; or
· brushing of parts with a wire brush or
blasting parts with "some medium," both
of which "are not expected to achieve the
Y-12 acceptance criteria." lxiii
Because the critical mass for a spherical
shape is "less than for any other
geometrical form of the given material,"lxiv most pits are
reported said to be spherical in shape. It is
unlikely that plutonium in pits are only
· Passive NMIS measurement systems are in
development to estimate the shape of plutonium
assemblies inside of containers.lxv
· DOE continues to censor the discussion of
shape of critical masses in the sanitized version
of Introduction to Nuclear Weapons
(Section 1.22).lxvi
· Criticality experiments at Rocky Flats in the
1960's included cylindrical shapes of plutonium.lxvii
The amount of Plutonium-240 is
the key isotopic variable in weapon-grade
plutonium because its high rate of spontaneous
fission poses a higher risk of
"pre-initiation," or an early chain
reaction, of the fissile material. Higher
quantities of plutonium-240 mean increases in
critical mass requirements, and therefore costs
more to design, develop, and produce the warhead.lxviii
Early weapons had plutonium-240
content as low to 1.5% but more commonly 4-7%;
and in 1972 the Pu-240 content in most stockpile
weapons was said to be about 6%.lxix The isotopic
composition varied slightly according to the
source of the plutonium (Figure 3-5) and the
design of the pit.
Figure 3-5. Variation in
average isotopic composition by source.
From: An Introduction to Nuclear Weapons. 1972.
During five years of Environmental Impact
Statements, DOE never informed the public that
declassification of pits included declassifying
the isotopic composition. One month after the
January 2000 Record of Decision to build a PDCF
at SRS was signed, the "blending" of
plutonium oxides from two or more pit types was
required to declassify the isotopic composition
of the powder.lxx
It is unclear whether this requirement is an
artifact of the Atomic Energy Act or a
requirement for the plutonium fuel factory.
and Beryllium Problems
The W-48 |
The pit for the W-48 nuclear
artillery shell is a clad with beryllium,
and has created great problems at Pantex.
In 1992 a W48 pit cracked during a Pantex
weapon disassembly operation that
required rapid cooling followed by rapid
heating during removal of the high
explosives. The crack of 0.025 inch wide
and 8.0 long in the outer beryllium shell
resulted in airborne plutonium
contamination and was one of the rare
accidents involving pits. Afterward, a
summer temperature limit of 150 degrees
was established for W-48's. In spite of
these problems, DOE is retaining an
undisclosed number of W-48 pits as
National Security Assets. |
Plutonium pits have an outer cladding of
beryllium, aluminum, or stainless steel. Vanadium
is another cladding element, but it is unknown
whether it is just experimental or in use.
Vanadium was used in 1993 during the W89 pit
re-use program at Pantex as a fire resistant
cladding on W68 pits being converted for use as
W89 pits,lxxi
and the classified plutonium part inventory at
RFETS presently includes six Pu/Vanadium
At least seven pit types are known or suspected
to be clad with beryllium. (Table 3.1.B),lxxiii posing the
most significant problems with storage and
dismantlement of pits:
· pit disassembly can expose workers to highly
toxic beryllium dust and fumes;
· beryllium clad pits appear to be more likely
to require cleaning (see Table 3.1.B to remove
any potentially corrosive organic materials, and
pit cleaning can expose workers to airborne
· higher sensitivity to temperature
· increased risk of corrosion from chlorides and
moisture which are found in storage containers;
· pits clad with beryllium "are more
vulnerable to fracture under impact
Pits as
a Heat Source
Pits that Heat Up |
"Because of natural
radioactive decay, each plutonium pit is
an intrinsic heat source, producing as
much as roughly 18 watts in heat load.
Currently, magazine heat loads at Pantex
can reach as high as a few kilowatts-an
amount sufficient to raise internal
magazine temperatures well above ambient.
Elevated magazine temperatures are a
cause of concern because of corresponding
elevations in pit temperatures. Because
the AL-R8 containers are primarily
designed to keep heat from external
sources from entering the pit and to
protect the pit in the event of a fire,
their design also serves to prevent heat
produced by the pit from escaping. Thus,
depending on pit wattage, relatively high
differences in temperature (ATs) from pit
to can can occur. Some high-wattage pits,
with average temperatures greater than 50
degrees C, are known to have reached
temperatures near 150 C while stored in
Zone 4." Source. Pit
Storage Monitoring. 1995.
Many pits are sensitive to temperatures,
particularly those clad with beryllium. Los
Alamos and Lawrence Livermore have expressed
major concerns over heating of pits since early
this decade.lxxv In
1995 Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos National
Laboratories recommended temperatures between 65
and 75 degrees Fahrenheit for storage buildings
with strategic reserve pits, and less stringent
recommendations for "surplus" plutonium
In August 1998 an estimated thirty
plutonium "W76" pits were moved from
one Pantex Zone 4 "bunker" to another
"due to potential temperature concerns
during the recent heat wave."lxxvii The
W76 pits are part of the large "strategic
reserve"of pits scheduled to be stored
indefinitely at Pantex.
in Pits
In 1998 Los Alamos released a fact sheet that
"A significant number of pits processed
by the ARIES facility will contain tritium."lxxviii
The "fact that tritium is associated with
some unspecified pits" was declassified in
During the Environmental Impact Statements for
plutonium disposition, DOE vaguely admitted that
some plutonium pits were "contaminated"
with tritium and that these pits would have to be
decontaminated; but finally acknowledged that
some pits contain tritium by writing:
"DOE knows how many
pits contain tritium."lxxx
The reason for having tritium in pits by
design is unknown but the impacts of this design
on the disassembly of plutonium pits are now more
Pits that contain tritium must be processed
up-front in a highly secretive "Special
Recovery Line" where plutonium "is
separated from highly enriched uranium (HEU) and
other parts and then processed in a vacuum
furnace that drives off tritium and produces a
metal ingot. The tritium is captured and packaged
as a low level waste. The resulting plutonium
ingot is assayed and then reprocessed if it still
contains tritium."lxxxi This process
was sufficiently difficult enough to dissuade Los
Alamos from processing pits containing tritium in
its original ARIES demonstration project when
only 40 pits were planned for disassembly and
The major environmental impact of this process is
tritium air pollutants. In the June 1998
Environmental Assessment for the plutonium pit
demonstration project at Los Alamos involving 250
plutonium pits over a four year period, DOE
reported air emissions of "up to 69 curies
of tritium each year." In the 1998 Draft
SPDEIS, DOE buried the impacts in a source
document by choosing to omit a small table
occupying less than a half-page reporting that
1100 curies of tritium will be emitted annually
at a PDCF.lxxxiii
Contamination vs. Pits that contain tritium
"Hydride corrosion of
uranium and plutonium may have
significant implications for the lifetime
of uranium [and plutonium] in nuclear
weapons." A Model for
the Initiation and Growth of Metal
Hydride Corrosion. LA-UR-00-5496.
Pits could become contaminated if they contain
tritium by design, or if they become contaminated
with tritium by accident. In any case, any kind
of hydrogen-plutonium reaction is undesirable
because it could induce hydride corrosion of the
plutonium metal, causing pitting and a growth of
hydride film along the surface,"lxxxiv as well as
producing a pyrophoric plutonium hydride
vs. NonBonded Pits
DOE had declassified information about bonded
weapon components prior to 1996.lxxxv A 1998
Technical Risk Assessment of the Plutonium Pit
Disassembly and Conversion Facility identified
the implications of this distinct design variable
when it identified an option with the least
technical risk for disassembly and conversion of
most plutonium pit types. The Metal-Only Option
was suggested to process only "nonproblem
pits" to produce only a metal plutonium
product and no plutonium oxide. This was because
"many of the pits, perhaps as many as 80%,
can bypass the hydride/dehydride (conversion to
metal) module as the plutonium metal can be
mechanically separated from the pits."lxxxvi
The pit types where plutonium metal can be
mechanically separated using a lathe are called
"non-bonded" pits; whereas the pits
that require chemical processing-either
pyrochemical or liquid-to separate the plutonium
in the pit from other pit parts are called
"Bonded" pits. In bonded pits, the the
plutonium is bonded to other metals in the pit,
such as stainless steel, beryllium, and/or
At least one Los Alamos source reports that all
Russian plutonium pits are nonbonded.lxxxviii
Figure 3-6. Plutonium Pit
"The prototype bisector was designed and
tested at Livermore. Using a chipless cutting
wheel, it can separate weapon pits into two
half-shells in less than 30 minutes so that the
plutonium in them can be recovered for
disposition." Science and Technology Review.
April 1997. Lawrence Livermore National
Bonding and Pit
Disassembly and Conversion Issues
To avoid liquid acid "aqueous"
processing of pits, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory developed the ARIES system that
included a pit "bisector" for cutting
plutonium pits in half (Figure 3-6) --which
suggests that most or all bonded pits are of
Livermore design.lxxxix The
bisector is the front end the Advanced Resource
Integrated Extraction System (ARIES) that DOE
chose as a major part of the pit disassembly and
conversion process while it was still in the
design and experimental phase.
Following the pit bisection, the plutonium must
the be chemically separated from the pit cladding
and other pit parts. The two experimental
technologies proposed are hydride-dehydride,
which recasts the plutonium as a metal, and
HYDOX, which utilizes the reaction of plutonium
with hydrogen to produce a plutonium oxide
Do Bonded Pits Lack Tritium? |
It is evident that bonded pits are
"problem pits" since the
metals-only option would defer processing
these pits and simplify the plutonium
disposition process; although
considerable evidence also points to an
absence of tritium in bonded pits:
a. Pits containing tritium were not
"selected as part of the ARIES pilot
demonstration because of the difficulties
associated with handling tritium;"
b. The original ARIES demonstration line
involved only 40 pits and 7 pit types,
and the Special Recovery Line was not
required for these pit types;
c. The pit bisector in the ARIES process
was specially designed to take "into
account the dimensions, encapsulation
methods, construction materials, and
manufacturing techniques of these pits in
order to incorporate the representative
configurations that will be processed
through ARIES." (Gray, 1995.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory).
d. Chemical processing is unnecessary to
separate plutonium from other pit parts
in nonbonded pits, so HYDOX was designed
for bonded pits as well |
Tubes and Pit Re-Use at Pantex
While DOE pursues plutonium pit fabrication at
Los Alamos and possibly SRS, it has abandoned, at
least for now, the plutonium pit re-use project
planned for Pantex. A pit-re-use project occurred
at Pantex in the early 1990's when Rocky Flats
was shut down. This project allowed DOE to
proceed to complete the W-89 weapon program by
re-using W68 pits and converting them to
fire-resistant pits by cladding them with
vanadium. Heralded then as an innovative approach
that avoided messy pit fabrication, the latest
plan for pit-re-use went unfunded in fiscal year
and there is no indication that DOE plans to
pursue this work, indicating a preference for new
pit production at SRS.
One of the sticking points regarding pit-re-use
involves pit tubes. Plutonium pit tubes are
designed to carry the booster tritium gas from
the tritium reservoir to the hollow core of the
pit at the time of detonation. According to
pit-tube fabrication experts, pit tubes:
· are constructed of annealed type 304 stainless
steel that is "very ductile" and able
to take severe deformation without cracking or
· are placed at assembly within tightly fitting
slots in the high explosive and must be straight
and within true position within 0.02 in 1 inch.
· are usually of 0.12 inch diameter, for
pressure testing, evacuation and filling.
· are attached to stainless steel shell by TIG
welding or electron beam welding and to beryllium
and aluminum shells by high temperature braze xci
Pit re-use was always described as
"non-intrusive" during the
Environmental Impact Statement process. After
Pantex was selected for the pit re-use mission,
the mission was renamed "pit
requalification" and changed from
non-intrusive to intrusive because it included
pit tube replacement and refurbishment:
"SNM Requalification at PANTEX for FY 98
has been as continuation of the original
effort and has included an increase in scope to
address pre-screening, tube replacement and replacement is a capability
that was utilized at Rocky Flats. A similar
capability is being supported as a part of the
Pit Rebuild program at LANL" xcii
Figure 3-7. Sun-Woo,
Characterization of Stainless Steel 304 Tubing.
Pit tube replacement was being advocated by Los
Alamos prior to the funding cutoff for this
program. Because pit tubes are bent to very
specific configurations and there is no record of
the number of times they have been bent, Los
Alamos wanted to replace all pit tubes. However,
a LLNL report discussing the stainless steel used
in W87 pits reported that the tube would need to
be bent at least ten times to pose a great risk
of failing (Figure 3-7). xciii
STORAGE AT PANTEX: Stockpile Negligence?
Plutonium pits are multimillion dollar weapon
components being stored in substandard
Most pits are stored in the AL-R8 container
(Figure 3-11) which is unsuitable for long-term
storage. Designed by Dow Chemical in the 1960's.
AL-R8's are unsealed and pits stored in them:
· require extra humidity and temperature
· are prone to corrosion because the internal
celotex packing-sugar cane, paper, starch, and
wax--is a source of chlorides and moisture that
can lead to corrosion of the pit cladding.
· do not meet all safety criteria-specifically
the 1100 pound dynamic crush test.
· provide poor radiation shielding.
There are about 2,000 corroded AL-R8's at Pantex
because they were procured without the corrosion
resistant liner.
Figure 3-8. AL-R8.
THE AT-400A Fiasco
DOE spent $50,000,000 designing and developing
AT-400-A (Figure 3-9) dual-use shipping and
storage container for plutonium pits. Its
advantages included:
· a sealed, inert gas environment that would
prevent corrosion and other degradation of pits
· better radioactive shielding;
· a 50-year design life.
It's disadvantages included cost ($8,000/unit)
and problems associated with the weld-possible
burn through of the containment vessel.
DOE estimated that 2,000 plutonium pits per year
could be repackaged in the AT-400A, leaving pits
in the safest container within a five year
period. After the repackaging startup was delayed
by more than a year, 20 pits were repackaged in a
pilot run before DOE pulled the plug on the
entire program. Twenty W-48 pits remain in
Figure 3-9. AT-400A
The Sealed Insert
Figure 3-10. AL-R8 with Sealed
Insert, 2030 model. There is still a need for
2040 models for several pit types, including
national asset pits
DOE replaced the AT-400A with the AL-R8 Sealed
Insert (Figure 3-10). It is a significant
improvement over the AL-R8 because of the sealed,
bolted, stainless steel inner container, but is
still not considered worthy of shipping
certification. Problems now plaguing this program
include xciv :
· a lack of funding to buy new containers at a
cost of $2800/unit.
· the need to certify larger
"2040-type"AL-R8 sealed inserts for
about several pit types ome pits, including most
stockpile pits;
Figure 3-11. DOE still has no pit shipping
· the lack of a pit cleaning station for 1500
pits too dirty for long term storage, so Pantex
is having to double-handle some pits;
· a lack of funding for labor, so Pantex is not
able to run two shifts;
· a lack of funding for monitoring;
· limited funds for dealing with another cracked
· DOE has only 300 shipping containers called
FL's, the certification for the FL's expires in
2002, and more than 200 of these were recently
found to not match design drawings;
Figure 3-12. Zone 4 Bunkers at Pantex.
Plutonium pits are literally stacked to the
ceilings in these WWII and 1960's vintage
bunkers. All but a few of these facilities lack
required humidity or temperature controls, and
are unlikely to withstand an aircraft crash - a
serious issue due to the proximity of Amarillo
International Airport. Pantex has little space
for additional pits.
· DOE has made no reported progress developing a
new shipping container (Figure 3-11) to replace
the FL and AT-400A.;
· a planned upgrade to Building 12-66 at Pantex
was abandoned after the design work was complete,
leaving decades-old bunkers as the main storage
buildings. (Figure 3-12) These facilities were
not supposed to be used after the Year 2000, but
will be used indefinitely.
Dirty Plutonium Secret
Plutonium Pit Production at Savannah
River Site
In the newly downsized U.S. Nuclear Weapons
Production Complex, Savannah River Site is the
only remaining major plutonium processing site in
the country and is in line for three new
facilities promoted as
"nonproliferation" missions:
a Plutonium Pit Disassembly and Conversion
Facility that will process surplus plutonium pits
and convert the plutonium in those pits to an
unclassified plutonium oxide powder.
b Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility
where "pure" or nearly pure surplus
plutonium will be purified using liquid acid
processing and then mixed with uranium to make
MOX plutonium fuel for nuclear reactors;
c. A Plutonium Immobilization Plant (PIP) where
impure and very difficult to purify surplus
plutonium will be mixed with uranium and a
"titanate" ceramic to make ceramic
"pucks." (See below for explanation of
can in canister)
Tritium production and recycling is said to be
the only nuclear weapons production mission at
SRS. However, because Rocky Flats no longer
produces nuclear weapons triggers called
plutonium pits, new pit production is slated for
SRS, and this would inevitably involve the PDCF,
making it a dual-use facility:
Aging and ARIES as a Weapon Program
In 1998
the Government Accounting Office reported that:
"DOD was concerned that the
aging of pits was not clearly identified in our
report as
a driving force of pit-production requirements.
DOD said that it could not give detailed
pit-manufacturing requirements until the lifetime
of pits is specified more clearly by DOE."
DOE plans to spend over $1.1 billion through
fiscal year 2007 to establish a 20-pits-per-year
capacity. But this budget does not include
disassembly work xcv which is
clearly being funded by OFMD under the ARIES
development. In addition, plutonium pit enhanced
surveillance program, a SSM program, ARIES was
identified as a "pertinent task" for
the "Pit Focus Program."
material property data from pits dismantled in
the ARIES process in order to expand the age-
correlated database of applied plutonium
Spence and the Foster Panel
In 1996 Chairman of the House National Security
Committee Floyd Spence (R-South Carolina) issued
a report titled "The Clinton
Administration and Stockpile Stewardship: Erosion
by Design," in which he wrote
that,"Unprecedented reductions and
disruptive reorganizations in the nuclear weapons
scientific and industrial base have compromised
the ability to maintain a safe and reliable
nuclear stockpile...unlike Russia or China, the
United States no longer retains the capacity for
large-scale plutonium "pit" production
and DOE's plans to reconstitute such a capacity
may be inadequate."
In December 1999 a congressional panel called the
Foster Panel published "FY 1999 Report
of the Panel to Assess the Reliability, Safety,
and Security of the United States Nuclear
recommending that DOE:
"immediately begin the conceptual design
phase of a pit production facility adequate to
meet national security needs." xcvii
The Chiles Commission
Another vote for pit production was cast by the
Chiles Commission, which was established to
review the nuclear weapons workforce and
determine needs and priorities. The Commission
concluded in 1998 report that, "large
numbers of workers are reaching retirement and a
new generation of workers must be hired and
trained in order to preserve essential
skills." One of these essential skills is
the machining of "materials unique to
nuclear weapons," such as plutonium, highly
enriched uranium, and beryllium. Their
recommendations called for a renewed emphasis on
plutonium pit production:
"DOE needs to give a much higher
priority to detailed planning for the production
of replacement weapons components. In the absence
of such planning, the sizing of the nuclear
weapons workforce at the production facilities is
left unnecessarily uncertain" xcviii
The SRS Strategic Plan
The Savannah River Site is very explicit about
its potential pit production mission within some
documents but does not publicize its intentions
in an up-front manner. The Savannah River
Site Strategic Plan: A Strategic Plan for 2000
and Beyond xcix
lists three focus areas for SRS:
· Nuclear Weapons Stockpile Stewardship
· Nuclear Materials Stewardship
· Environmental Stewardship
The plan states that Nuclear Weapons Stockpile
Stewardship "emphasizes science-based
maintenance of the nuclear weapons stockpile. SRS
supports the stockpile by ensuring the safe and
reliable recycle, delivery, and management of
tritium resources; by contributing to the
stockpile surveillance program; and by our
ability to assist in the development of
alternatives for large-scale pit production
capability, if required. associated with products
and services essential to achieving the
Department of Energy's (DOE) goals."c Under Goals,
Objectives, and Strategies, the strategic plan
states as a goal:
"Consolidate existing facilities and
plan, design, and construct new facilities to
support current and future stockpile
Within this goal is the objective to:
"Support the development of contingency
plans for a new pit production facility to meet
future stockpile requirements as national needs
Within this objective is the strategy to:
"Develop partnerships with the national
weapons laboratories and Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant to
outline roles for each organization in a large-
scale pit manufacturing project."
Preparing for Pit
Production at SRS?
Several operations at SRS suggest
that the site is quietly and surreptitiously
implementing its strategic plan as it relates to
large-scale plutonium pit production:
1. Developing Plutonium Casting
Capability. An essential part of
plutonium pit fabrication is "casting
plutonium metal feed ingots after adding gallium
to the plutonium metal and shape-casting the feed
ingots into hemishells."
The Los Alamos Perspective |
Stephen Younger, the Associate Laboratory
Director for Nuclear Weapons at Los
Alamos National Laboratory, which is
operated by the University of California
under contract to DOE. recently wrote, in
Nuclear Weapons in the Twenty-First
Century that
"Plutonium pit production can be
maintained at a small rate at Los Alamos,
but any stockpile above about one
thousand weapons will require the
construction of a new large production
plant to replace the Rocky Flats
facility, which ceased production in
"In the case of DOE, an extensive
infrastructure of laboratories and plants
is required for the Stockpile Stewardship
program, including a new manufacturing
capability for plutonium pits"
Yet, even under START III conditions,
"the U.S. has offered to begin
negotiations on ceilings of 2,000 to
2,500 weapons immediately upon Russian
ratification of the START II treaty"
Obviously, as long as the U.S. intends to
maintain more than 1,000 nuclear
warheads, then demands for large-scale
pit production will be made. |
In 1998 SRS developed the capability to recast
plutonium metal in the FB-Line "using an
M-18 reduction furnace with a new casting
chamber." Plutonium metal is recast by
charging a standard FB-Line magnesia crucible and
placing the charge in the casting chamber. In
October 1998, "a [plutonium] button was
produced by combining plutonium and gallium
metals to produce an alloy in which the plutonium
is stabilized in the d phase. Delta (d ) phase
metal is not susceptible to low temperature
induced phase changes like a phase metal." ci
This effort was portrayed by SRS only as a
contingency for plutonium metal storage and not
as a dual-purpose program that integrated storage
goals with pit production goals:
The capability to produce d stabilized metal
in FB-Line would provide a contingency for
plutonium metal storage at the SRS in the event
that experimental programs show that the a to b
phase transition (and resulting decrease in
density) has the potential to create harmful
mechanical stresses in storage containers. The
continued use of the casting process for the
declassification and consolidation of plutonium
from weapons components also provides a
disposition path for classified metal parts and
alloys currently stored at the RFETS." cii
2. Measuring Plutonium Density in Pits.
Another capability SRS has developed is a new
measurement system for determining plutonium
density in finished plutonium pits. The Savannah
River Technology Center (SRTC) and Los Alamos
undertook a collaborative research project in
which SRTC designed, fabricated, and tested a gas
pycnometer "to be used to measure densities
of surrogate [plutonium pit] parts." The
project's objective was to find a more
environmentally friendly method for measuring the
density of plutonium hemishells in pits. ciii
The plutonium density project is not a dual-use
program, and is only necessary for plutonium pit
fabrication. Although the project occurred prior
to the issuance of the SRS strategic plan, it
clearly is an example of collaborating with the
national laboratories to define roles for pit
3. The Plutonium Pit Disassembly and
Conversion Facility. Every analysis of
plutonium pit production lists pit disassembly as
the first step in the process. For example, a
joint paper issued by Lawrence Livermore and Los
Alamos National Laboratories specified the first
two steps of pit fabrication as:
· dismantlement of the pit;
· conversion of the metal through hydride and
oxidize to plutonium oxide (HYDOX) or hydride and
reduce to metallic plutonium (HYDEC); civ
4. The Plutonium MOX Fuel Factory.
The capability to purify plutonium for pit
fabrication is the missing ingredient in the
current version of the PDCF is plutonium
purification processing. However, the planned
plutonium fuel factory will have the capability
to purify plutonium oxide powder.
Blue Ridge Environmental Defense
League, Inc. 2001