
adopted by BREDL Board of Directors on July 12, 2003


WHEREAS, pesticides, nuclear waste, hazardous waste, PVC, and other dangerous toxic chemicals inevitably injure, disable and kill innumerable citizens each year, and

WHEREAS, citizens are not finding just compensation in the courts for these injuries due to; fraudulent concealment of the harmful effects of chemicals, manipulation of research data, falsification of data by test labs, conflicts of interest on scientific research panels, corporate 'disinformation' and corporate political donations, failure to enforce protective laws and regulations, and

WHEREAS, studies indicate from 15-30 % of the population experiences some form of chemical intolerance, with around 3% of these being seriously disabled, and

WHEREAS, chemical induced injury is linked to chronic and deadly diseases such as Cancer, Toxicant Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT), Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, endocrine, neurological and immunological damage, aggression, loss of bone density, and other chemical injuries, and

WHEREAS, tax dollars, in the form of Medicare and Medicaid, generally provide coverage for health care when citizens are chemically injured or disabled and are unable to receive fair compensation in the courts or maintain their financial independence, and

WHEREAS, research into causes, treatments, and cures of chemical injury is inadequate due to limits on funding controlled by compromised elected representatives dominated by the self-interest of corporations, and

WHEREAS, no provision is made for the many special needs of chemically injured and disabled citizens such as; emergency and long-term medical care and housing, legal representation, schooling, personal products and household goods, communication and socialization.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Toxic Tort Abatement Act shall reduce litigation through fair treatment of the chemically injured and disabled and reducing feelings of frustration, anger and betrayal. We recognize the moral responsibility to eliminate the use of toxic chemicals which cause injury, disability and premature death to a significant percentage of citizens. Until harmful chemicals are eliminated those who profit from toxic or harmful products, chemicals, hazardous waste, and radiation must provide for the needs of inevitable victims.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that any and all corporations that manufacture, process, dispose of, or incorporate into other products any toxic chemical or hazardous products that would cause chemical injury, disability or death, will contribute 2% of the corporations gross annual income to the Toxic Tort Abatement Fund to be set aside for the needs and expenses of chemical injury survivors and their families. This Act presupposes that compassion, fair treatment, and sincere apology reduce the need and will to litigate. Corporations may best show compassion, fair treatment, and sincere apology by providing in advance for those who are inevitably injured, disabled or killed.

This Act in no way limits or prohibits the right to file, pursue or recover in any toxic tort lawsuit.