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March 8, 2004

Louis Zeller (704) 756-7550
Janet Zeller (336) 982-2691

BREDL’s Lawsuit Against Duke’s Plutonium Fuel Tests Wins Full Hearing

Today the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League announced that it will present detailed arguments against plutonium fuel tests at Duke Power reactors near Charlotte. In a ruling by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Safety and Licensing Board, the three-judge panel agreed to hear three specific objections to the experimental project: that Duke failed to account for differences between conventional and plutonium nuclear plant fuels on both plant safety and environmental impacts, and that Duke did not consider alternative sites for the use of plutonium fuel.

The specific language of the order states:

1) The LAR (License Amendment Request) is inadequate because Duke has failed to account for differences in MOX [mixed oxide] and LEU [low enriched uranium] fuel behavior (both known differences and recent information on possible differences) and for the impact of such differences on LOCA [loss of coolant accidents] and on the DBA [design-based accident] analysis for Catawba.

2) The LAR [License Amendment Request] is inadequate because Duke has (a) failed to account for the impact of differences in MOX [mixed oxide] and LEU [low enriched uranium] fuel behavior (both known differences and recent information on possible differences) on the potential for releases from Catawba in the event of a core disruptive accident, and (b) failed to quantify to the maximum extent practicable environmental impact factors relating to the use of the MOX [mixed oxide lead test assemblies] at Catawba, as required by NEPA [National Environmental Policy Act].

3) The Environmental Report is deficient because it fails to consider Oconee as an alternative for the MOX LTAs [mixed oxide lead test assemblies].

BREDL’s safety concerns are based on evidence that plutonium fuel rods fail at far lower temperatures 400 to 570 degrees-F lower than conventional uranium fuel rods. Also, the metal sheath, or cladding, which holds the fuel rod together may form balloons which block cooling water, leading to an uncontrolled core meltdown. In addition, the three-judge panel ruled that Duke must consider other reactors for the lead test assemblies such as the Oconee plant near Greenville, SC.

BREDL’s Executive Director Janet Zeller said, "We are pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate what the people of Charlotte and Rock Hill know alreadythat weapons-grade plutonium fuel is too unpredictable and too dangerous to use in Duke’s reactors."

A full judicial hearing on BREDL’s challenges could be held as early as mid-May in Charlotte. A detailed schedule of hearings on these contentions and BREDL’s challenges on security problems will be agreed on soon by all parties.


More info:

Read NRC Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ruling