Action Alerts  

New Duke nuke would impact Broad River and drinking water

BREDL Fact Sheet

SAFE Carolinas’ Laura Sorensen at Jan. 2013 rally for clean energy and renewables. Photo (c) Mark Schmerling, 2013.

PUBLIC HEARING: April 4, 2013

Restoration Church in Gaffney at 1905 N. Limestone St., 6 pm

Speak up for the Broad River and the health and safety of North and South Carolinians

The proposed WS LEE Nuclear Power Plant in Gaffney, SC needs an NPDES wastewater discharge permit to dump chemicals and heated water into the Broad River at 99 Island Reservoir. Folks concerned about the health and social impacts of this plant will attend the hearing to make public comments and request denial of this permit to protect downstream communities. JOIN US!

Can’t come to the hearing?
Submit written comments by April 19, 2013 to


Randy Thompson (notice #13-031-H)
SCDHEC/Bureau of Water
2600 Bull Street
Columbia SC 29201