Action Alerts  

Tell SC DHEC to Deny the Riverneck to Kingsburg Natural Gas Pipeline
Comment Deadline: 12:00 AM, June 23, 2021

Jun. 11, 2021: Please take the time to write the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control about Dominion Energy's plan to build a natural gas pipeline in Pamplico, SC called the Riverneck to Kingsburg Gas Main. Public Notice SAC 2019-01427. Tell them "No" to this dangerous pipeline. The deadline is June 23, 2021.

Send your comments to:
SC Dept. of Health and Environmental Control
Division of Water Quality
Attn: Rusty Wenerick
2600 Bull Street
Columbia, SC 29201-1708

For natural gas pipelines, the greatest risk is associated with fires or explosions caused by ignition of the natural gas, This can cause significant property damage and injuries or death. Additionally, the release of natural gas, primarily methane which is a very potent greenhouse gas, contributes to climate change.

More Details: BREDL 6/11/2021 Comments to SC PSA | BREDL Sping 2021 newsletter articles | BREDL Fall 2020 newsletter article