Public Invited: Call for shutdown!
On Wednesday, May 20, at 4:30 PM, the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public information session. It will have NRC employees responsible for plant inspections participating, including the operating and construction resident inspectors.
The session is scheduled for 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time. The public is encouraged to attend.
The meeting will be accessible via Skype. Access the meeting by the following URL:
Be sure to download Skype For Business Web App in advance of the meeting. Instructions are at the above link.
For those without access to Skype, there is an NRC telephone conference number:
301-415-0333, with the passcode 68905#
In March 2020, the NRC issued a notice of violation involving a failure to adequately calibrate some containment radiation monitors at Units 1 and 2. The NRC staff have now determined that Vogtle Units 1 and 2 are under increased oversight (retroactive to the third quarter of 2019) and will remain under increased oversight until the NRC completes a supplemental inspection.
In May 2020, the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League announced that part of the expanded nuclear power plant is sinking.
"Vogtle has finally admitted that the sheer weight of the nuclear island building is causing it to sink into the red Georgia clay," said Arnold Gundersen, an independent nuclear power plant engineer who provided analysis of the structural problems at Vogtle's Unit 3. "It is figuratively and literally sinking under its own weight. Islands are not supposed to sink."
Rev. Charles Utley, BREDL's Augusta Office chief, said that questionable actions by the company had brought it to this point. He said, "Both the seismic gap and the information gap have the capability of causing catastrophic destruction. Therefore, it should not be allowed to operate."
In a legal action filed May 11, BREDL called on regulators to revoke the plant's license for false statements made by its owners, Southern Nuclear Operating Company.
In February 2020, Southern Company requested a license amendment from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, seeking to reduce safety margins by narrowing what it called the "seismic gap" between Vogtle's Unit 3 nuclear island and adjacent concrete structures. The company's February 7 request asked the NRC for permission "to depart from Updated Final Safety Analysis Report...information."
More Info
Please visit our Plant Vogtle Page for more information about this facility.