BREDL comments on DRAFT Air Permit for
Smith & Sons Paving Company, McDowell County
of Louis Zeller
NC Division of Air Quality Public Hearing
February 8, 2001
DRAFT Air Permit No. 08979R00
Smith & Sons Paving Company, McDowell County
Site No. 1/56/00183
General comments
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this
draft permit. I have read the pertinent documents
associated with this permit including the
application for permit, the permit review, and
the draft permit. Based on my analysis, The DAQ
should deny this permit.
An epidemiological study should be undertaken by
the DAQ so that we may better determine the
health effects of human exposure to asphalt
fumes. Based on our experience working with
residents living near asphalt plants, we must
conclude that the skin rashes, difficulty
breathing, asthma, and cancer clusters associated
with living near these plants constitute a public
health problem of unknown magnitude. It is hard
to believe that all these problems are due solely
to careless plant operators who lack concern for
their neighbors. Rather, it is the responsibility
of the state agencies charged with protecting
public health to take action to reduce known
sources of death and disease.
The DAQs use of the SCREEN3 model for
toxic, ground level (fugitive) emissions remains
troublesome since all such dispersion models do
not apply within the atmospheric boundary layer,
a distance of 30 feet from the ground where
frictional effects predominate. This means that
the use of SCREEN3 will predict more dispersion
and lower pollutant levels than will actually
occur. To the extent that acceptable ambient
limits (AALs) are designed to protect human
health, the use of the dispersion model in this
case gives the wrong result. Other air dispersion
studies, based on average factors from EPAs
AP-42, show that ambient air quality standards
are often exceeded for arsenic, cadmium and other
heavy metals and for organic chemicals such as
benzene and formaldehyde. With almost 2,000
dangerous chemicals in asphalt fume, it is
important that the decision to build an asphalt
plant in a populated valley prone to inversions
not be based on a model which was developed
solely for smokestack emissions, not boundary
layer fugitive emissions.
Specific Comments
1) The permit does not
control odorous emissions
Under Specific Conditions and Limitations A.5,
the draft permit states,
As required by 15A NCAC 2D .0522
"Control and Prohibition of Odorous
Emissions," the Permittee shall not
cause, allow, or permit any source to be
operated without employing suitable
measures for the control of nuisance
However, state law prohibits operation of a plant
without suitable measures to control odorous
emissions. The DAQ permit Review states that,
It is a subjective determination as to
whether this facility will comply with the
regulation. Generally speaking, odor may be
a subjective phenomenon determined by individual
acuity and tolerance. However, the stated purpose
of 2D .0522 is to provide for the control
and prohibition of odorous emissions. [2D
.0522 (a)]. It states further that, This
regulation shall apply to all operations that
produce odorous emissions. [2D .0522 (b)]
(emphases added) As written, this draft permit
fails to stipulate what measures are suitable for
the control of odors. Further, the permit review
reveals that the division has no objective means
to determine compliance, or whether the plant
will even meet permit requirements. As a
practical matter, the DAQ inspector who might
respond to a plant neighbors complaint
about odor would have no means of enforcing this
regulation. This is an omission which must be
corrected before the permit is issued.
2) Air pollution is
The draft permit Specific Condition A.12 lists
regulated emission sources ES-1 asphalt drum
mixer, ES-2 storage silos, and ES-3 silo truck
loading. Attachment 1 to the permit also lists
Activities Exempted from Permitting Under 15A
NCAC 2Q .0102. The officially exempted sources
include: 1) a No.2 fuel oil fired asphalt tank
heater, and 2) a fuel oil storage tank. The
attachment acknowledges that the asphalt tank
heater is a source of toxic air pollutants and
Title V criteria pollutants, and that the storage
tank is a source of criteria pollutants. Omitted
from either permit list are the following: 1)
mobile sources of diesel exhaust, 2) material
handling and road dust, and 3) fugitive emissions
from loaded trucks prior to departure to the job
site. A recent EPA report lists all the above
sources with corresponding emissions of criteria
pollutants and hazardous air pollutants. I have
attached Table 2 from the December 2000 EPA Hot
Mix Asphalt Plants Emission Assessment Report to
these remarks. The DAQs omission of so many
known air pollution sources from the permit
should be corrected. The true total of toxic air
emissions should be included in the determination
of whether the plant meets the required
acceptable ambient limits.
I plan to submit further comments.