BREDL Comments at Public Hearing on
permit for Maymead Asphalt Plant in Boone, NC.
19, 2001
Public Hearing, Boone, NC
Comments of Louis Zeller
Maymead, Inc.
Air Permit No. 08388R01
Site No. 4/95/00121
The storage and use of the asphalt additive at
the Maymead 105 plant creates additional
pollution sources not adequately accounted for in
the draft permit. The manufacturer ARR-MAZ
Products (AMP) specified in the application for
the present permit that the anti-strip additive
has a 14.7 PSIA vapor pressure at a liquid
surfact temperature of 120 degrees-F. The storage
tank on the 105 plant site has a 2000 gallon
capacity. For the Maymead Brown Plant the DAQ
prepared an analysis of the anti-stripping
additive produced by AMP which states that a
permit is not required for the storage tank at
that plant (DENR-WSRO letter to B.K.Mount, August
1999). However, in that analysis DAQ utilized
data provided by AMP which stated that the vapor
pressue was 0.00019 PSIA at 68 degrees-F,
allowing the anti-strip storage tank to be
exempted on the basis of low vapor pressure. A
study of such additives included with the DAQ
analysis addressed highway worker exposures to
volatile additive and did not apply to asphalt
plant workers. The co-author of the paper, Joe
Proctor, said, We have not done enough work
to determine if this is true or not, but our
assumption was that the employee behind the paver
was going to be exposed a lot more than the
employee at the plant.